Meditation for Burnout

Solo Female Travel - Her Bags Were Packed - Burnout - Meditation

As we have been going through this series on burnout, it has become so clear to me how important self care is. We have shared resources on journaling prompts to help you through burnout, and have shared a yoga session for burnout. Today I am pleased to share this meditation for burnout, from Jenni Kowal. Jenni is a creative coach and founder of Anytime Creative, and is the creator of the really cool Self Care Adventure Cards you’ve maybe seen me post on Instagram. You can find her on Instagram at @anytimecreative

This five minute session is perfect for anyone, whether you are an expert at meditation, or have never meditated in your life. This will help you calm and center yourself whenever you need it: When you wake up, after a stressful day, or on a short break. I hope you enjoy, and are able to use this meditation session to recover from, and prepare for, any burn events that you experience. 

A Note From Jenni: 

Dear friend, I hope this meditation finds you well! The more empty our tank is, the more self care it might take to feel refueled. I hope you can take some time to fill your cup - with this meditation, or something else that helps you feel back on track towards your most vibrant self. 

Did you enjoy this meditation session for burnout?

Let us know in the comments below!